AS+P congratulates its client BEOS on its platinum precertification from DGNB, the German Sustainable Building Council

AS+P’s planning team (from left to right: Leonard Saal, Christian Hübner, Stefan Kornmann, Lena Weiß, Matthias Dilger, Martin Teigeler, AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH), © AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH

With planning support from AS+P, Griesheim’s industrial estate is being transformed into “Frankfurt’s Westside”

On July 6, 2022, the industrial estate in Griesheim, the largest of its kind in Frankfurt, was officially launched as the “FRANKFURT WESTSIDE”. The project, for which AS+P laid the urban master planning foundations, was simultaneously awarded a newly introduced platinum pre-certification by DGNB, the German Sustainable Building Council.

BEOS and Swiss Life Asset Managers presented their ideas for this large-scale project covering no less than 73 hectares of land to the public. DGNB then presented its platinum pre-certification to the developers. According to BEOS this was “the second-highest scoring project in Germany in the category of industrial estates (DGNB system version 2020).”

All the relevant consultations and the DGNB pre-certification rested on the solid foundations of urban development master planning prepared by AS+P. The relevant work amalgamates design, functional and real estate-related aspects and has resulted in an overall concept that can be implemented in stages, as well as being flexible and economically viable.

As the ambitious name “FRANKFURT WESTSIDE” suggests, an important industrial and commercial site is being put in place in an attractive location on the banks of the river Main, one that boasts plenty of space for innovation, integrates historical building fabric and will be developed sustainably. Attractive public spaces are also being created for residents and employees working at the site alike, spaces such as the new Main riverside embankment, pocket parks and places to linger, the designs for which are the responsibility of AS+P’s landscape designers.

The urban development master planning is subject to agreement with the City of Frankfurt and should be completed by the end of this year.