“Ludwigshöhviertel” zoning plan with changes to land-use plan
Darmstadt, 2018 - 2023
In Darmstadt, the site of the former Cambrai-Fritsch Barracks and the Jefferson-Estate is being transformed into an urban residential quarter with a neighbourhood centre including local amenities and a tram connection
2018 - 2023

Structural concept for urban planning measures (as at: November 2018)
In 2017, AS+P won an urban development competition held by the City of Darmstadt to convert what had once been the Cambrai Fritsch Barracks and Jefferson Village. The scope of the competition results was subsequently widened into a structural concept for urban development. After the zoning plan had been approved, with its accompanying changes to the land-use plan, as of 2018 the conditions under planning laws are now being established that will enable the structure plan to be implemented. The priority objective of the zoning plan is to produce a lively urban district with housing being the main usage. Forming the center of the district, an ensemble of listed buildings is scheduled to serve as the hub offering local amenities and public facilities; a social infrastructure including a primary school, kindergartens and a sports hall are also part of the planning. Connections will include a new tram link. Because traffic is already congested in this area it is necessary to restrict the volume of traffic and introduce measures to curtail it. Regulations to restrict traffic volume and to implement the various modules of a mobility concept have been included in the zoning plan (reserving enough space for the tram line, narrow roads and a reduced-traffic zone, limits to the number of parking spaces, central car-parking, support for pedestrian and cycle traffic). Other concerns relating to specific topics that should be mentioned include wildlife conservation measures, legacy left by pollution, climate, noise protection, tremors and drainage of precipitation. In December 2023, the resolution of the planning statute was passed.

Main building in the heritage-listed building complex, located on the district’s central square