Strongest brand of 2023 and of the decade: Double win for AS+P at the REAL ESTATE BRAND AWARD 2023

Proud winners: Managing Director Axel Bienhaus and Susanne Wellershaus, Head of Corporate Communications and Tender Management (3rd and 4th from right), at the Award Gala in the Hotel de Rome in Berlin. Photo © EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE BRAND INSTITUTE GmbH

AS+P remains the strongest architecture brand in Germany and is also the “Strongest Brand of the Decade” in the Real Estate Brand Award 2023.

The company’s two diamonds were collected by AS+P Managing Director Axel Bienhaus and Susanne Wellershaus, Head of Corporate Communications and Bid Management, at the award gala for the “strongest brands of the European real estate industry” at the Hotel de Rome in Berlin. “This is a great achievement by our entire AS+P team, the best brand ambassadors,” said Susanne Wellershaus. With the special gold award for the “Strongest Brand of the Decade”, the European Real Estate Brand Institute marked its 15th anniversary by recognizing those brands that have proven to be particularly strong and resilient over many years and are thus strongly positioned for future challenges.

The award winners result from Europe’s largest scholarly brand study, the Real Estate Brand Value Study 2023, which reveals brands that have seized opportunities and adapted to new conditions. The study analyzed 1,700 brands from 20 subsectors in 45 European markets.

As a practice with almost 60 years of interdisciplinary planning expertise, AS+P acts with foresight and flexibility in order to remain competitive and adapt quickly to changes in national and inter­national markets. Here, its sympathetic and open com­mu­ni­ca­tion as well as transparent approach in dealing with clients and partners are just as crucial as its authentically lived values and shared goals. With the disciplines of architecture, planning, landscape architecture, and mobility under one roof, holistic, networked thinking is integral to AS+P. The focus here is always on people, and the daily work is aligned with the principles of modernity, the pursuit of meaningful innovation, and sustainable principles.

AS+P is delighted to have achieved a top position in performance for the seventh time and to be confirmed as the strongest brand in retrospect of the past decade. We congratulate all award winners and thank the Real Estate Brand Institute for a successful award ceremony in a beautiful setting.

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