Wiesbaden: The City Council formally adopts the Healthcare Master Plan

Wiesbaden as a healthcare center: With the adoption of the Healthcare Master Plan, the capital of the State of Hessen is ensuring the long-term further development of healthcare provision. © Photo: AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH

The Healthcare Master Plan is a strategic development concept drawn up by AS+P on behalf of the City of Wiesbaden and in collaboration with the economic research institute WifOR. The plan takes its cue from the overall goals for the city as laid out in the Wiesbaden 2030+ integrated urban development concept.

The interdisciplinary approach adopted by AS+P and WifOR has been widely praised and is to be given a solid footing. Key tasks going forwards include implementation of the proposed measures, in particular bringing together those involved in the healthcare sector through the creation of a central point of contact.

As an urban development concept in accordance with the German Building Code, the Healthcare Master Plan now provides orientational guidelines for local political decision-making. It forms the basis for further planning approaches at various scales of granularity, from overarching concepts down to specific projects.

In adopting the plan, the capital of the State of Hessen intends to secure healthcare provision and sustainably develop it in the long term. The declared goals include the preservation and advancement of Wiesbaden’s hospital locations in accordance with the prospects outlined in the master plan. More specifically, this means that the areas previously used for healthcare facilities will be retained under planning law going forward. In addition, there will also be a focus on the development of a location for the industrial healthcare sector as well as target-group-oriented housing for skilled workers and trainees.

Read more information here



The Healthcare Master Plan can be found on the LHW website here.

All information on the resolution is available here.


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