Major Sports Events in Cairo
Cairo, 2009 - 2011
Comprehensive infrastructure analysis for the Greater Cairo Area with regards to the country's ability to host major sporting events
Mega Events / Process Consulting
2009 - 2011
Ministry of Tourism, Arab Republic of Egypt
Olympic Games Concept
With more than 5,000 years of culture and tradition as well as its magnificent sports enthusiasm Egypt with its capital Cairo envisages hosting major sport events in the course of a medium to long term development strategy. Therefore, AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH together with PROPROJEKT, bureau for marketing abold and GRID from Cairo have been assigned by the Egypt Ministry of Tourism in close cooperation with the National Sports Council with a comprehensive analysis of the infrastructure in the Greater Cairo area with regard to the suitability for major sport events. The consulting services comprise a detailed assessment of the potential of venues, transport, accommodation, environment and finance as well as the development of a preliminary Master Plan and a communication strategy. The study will commence in August 2009, results are expected for April 2010.
Cairo Olympic Stadium - visualization
transport concept
visualization olympic stadium
urban integration