"Professors' villas" on the Culture Campus
Frankfurt/Main, 2014 - 2016
Redevelopment and reconstruction of the "Professors' villas" on the Culture Campus
5115 sqm
2014 - 2016
ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING Wohnungsbau- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH

Georg-Voigt-Strasse 10+12; existing buildings
ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING is the owner of what are known as the "professors' villas" in the Bockenheim district in Frankfurt/Main. The buildings, seven in total, on Georg Voigt Strasse and Senckenberganlage, were previously used by the University of Frankfurt and as part of the redevelopment of the site are to be refurbished, converted, and form the boundary of the Bockenheim Culture Campus. The existing buildings date from the early 20th century and as an ensemble have a preservation order on them. The plan is to convert two of the buildings (two semi-detached edifices), numbers 6-8 and 10-12 on Georg Voigt Strasse into housing, and the remaining two structures, 4 Georg Voigt Strasse and 9-11 Senckenberganlage into office space. At the intersection of the two roads, the new legal zoning plan no. 569 envisages a construction site for a new three-storey building, which will likewise be conceived as offices. The refurbishment of the buildings at Georg Voigt Strasse 6-12 will result in a total of 16 apartments. Careful modernization that preserved important elements from when the structures were first built was a central aspect of the planning work.

Georg-Voigt-Strasse 10+12; existing buildings

Georg-Voigt-Strasse 10+12; existing buildings

Georg-Voigt-Strasse 10+12; existing buildings

site plan

Georg-Voigt-Strasse 10+12, existing buildings